Preserving the past is our future
We were established in 1998 to preserve and develop the history of our local area by researching and recording the stories of the people who have lived here, the events that have taken place, when, where and how they occurred, and especially why.

Our society in action
Our volunteers provide the community with information on our local history, help with researching local families’ history, as well as further research conducted from Local, State and Federal Government archives.
Our society also acts as a repository for local organisations by accepting their archives and storing them in our archive room where they are available for the community to research. To view our archives, please book in to visit us on the first Saturday of the month from 2-4pm (except January) here. If you would like to visit us outside our opening times, please send us an email to book in with one of our volunteers.
We meet in the old Chermside State School building in the Chermside Historical Precinct – 61 Kittyhawk Drive, Chermside. Monthly member meetings are held on the first Sunday of the month (except January) at 2pm. Our committee meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month.
Your local stories
We would love you to share your local stories, family history and documentary material with us to include in our archives. If you would like to share your history, please email us at chermsidedhs@gmail.com. Together, we can continue to tell Chermside and our district’s amazing stories for future generations.

We always welcome new members
If you would like to join our society, email chermsidedhs@gmail.com for more information or sign up below.
Our members enjoy monthly meetings on the first Sunday of every month, 2-4pm (except January). Our meetings include guest speakers, afternoon tea and a chance to meet others who live in the local area and learn more about our local history.
There is also a bi-monthly member newsletter with interesting historical facts about our area, quizzes and the latest update from the CDHS management committee.

Join us
- Single person: $20/year
- Family: $30/year
- Corporate: $30/year
- Non-attending member (receives bi-monthly newsletter): $20/year